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- Photocathodes en iodure de césium utilisées à fort courant. G. Suberlucq, CERN CLIC Note 162 (5/1992) : Publication
- Photocathodes tested in the dc gun of the CERN photoemission laboratory. E. Chevallay, J. Durand, S. Hutchins, G. Suberlucq, M. Wurgel, CERN CLIC Note 203 (7/6/93), NIM Section A 340 (1994) : Publication
- Development and Production of Photo Cathodes for the CLIC Test Facility.
G. Suberlucq, proceedings of FEL 1996 : Publication , Presentation
- Auger and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy study on Cs2Te photocathodes.
A. di Bona, F. Sabary, S. Valery, P. Michelato, D, Sertore, G. Suberlucq, J. Appl. Phys, 80 (5), 3024-3030, 1 September 1996 : Publication
- Développements et production de photocathodes pour le CLIC Test Facility.
G. Suberlucq, CERN CLIC Note 299 (15/5/1996) : Publication
- RF Guns and the Production of Polarized Electrons.
K. Aulenbacher, R. Bossart, H.H. Braun, J.P. Delahaye, J.H.B. Madsen, G.Suberlucq - CERN, J. Clendenin, G. Mulhollant, J. Sheppard, H. Tang (SLAC) CERN CLIC Note , SLAC NLC-Note 20, (1/5/1996) : Publication
- Photo-cathodes for the CERN CLIC Test Facility.
E. Chevallay, J. Durand, S. Hutchins, G. Suberlucq, H. Trautner, CERN CLIC Note 373 (27/8/98) , proceedings of Linac 1998 : Publication , Poster
- Gallium Arsenide photocathodes used in high electric fields.
G. Suberlucq editor, CERN CTF Note 98-13 (6/5/1998) : Publication
- Production and Studies of Photocathodes for High Intensity Electron Beams.
E. Chevallay, S. Hutchins, P. Legros, G. Suberlucq, H. Trautner, CERN CLIC Note 449, proceedings of Linac 2000 : Publication , Poster page 1 , Poster page 2
- Photocathodes pour le Drive Beam du CTF3 et du CLIC, Préparation du test "mC" dans le canon DC. G. Suberlucq, H. Trautner, CERN CTF3 Tech-Note 2000-03/Injector (3/04/2000) : Publication
- Spectral Response of Cesium Telluride and Rubidium Telluride Photocathodes for the Production of Highly Charged Electron Bunches.
H. Trautner, CERN CLIC Note 428, (21/3/2000) (Doctoral Thesis) : Publication
- Feasibility Study for the CERN ’CLIC’ Photo-Injector Laser System. I.N. Ross, CERN CLIC Note 462 (5/10/2000) : Publication
- Production of a High Average Current Electron Beam with Cs-Te Photocathodes. E.Chevallay, G. Suberlucq, H.Trautner, CERN CTF3 Note 020 (07/09/2001) : Publication
- Polarized RF Guns for Linear Colliders. An ICFA Workshop.
D. Edwards editor, Fermilab April 18-20, 2001 : Publication
- The Photo-Injector Option for CLIC: Past Experiments and Future Developments. H.H. Braun, E. Chevallay, S. Hutchins, P. Legros, G. Suberlucq, H.Trautner, I.N. Ross, E. Bente, Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, 720-721, 2001 : Publication
- High-performance diode-pumped Nd:YLF amplifier. I.N. Ross, M. Csatári, S. Hutchins, Appl. Optics, 42 (6) 1040-1047, 2003 : Publication
- Technological Challenges for High-Brightness Photo-Injectors. G. Suberlucq, CERN CLIC Note 602, proceedings of EPAC 2004 : Publication
- The PHIN photoinjector for the CTF3 Drive beam. R. Losito, G. Bienvenu, H. H. Braun, N. Champault, E. Chevallay, M. Divall, V. Fedosseev, G. Hirst, A. Kumar, G. Kurdi, W. Martin, A. Masi, B. Mercier, I. Musgrave, C. Prevost, I. Ross, R. Roux, E. Springate, G. Suberlucq, Proceedings of EPAC'06, CERN CLIC Note 684, (6/2006) : Publication
- First Resulats from Commissioning of the PHIN Photo Injector for CTF3. M. Petrarca, H.-H. Braun, E. Chevallay, K. Elsener,V. Fedosseev, G. Geschonke, R. Losito, A. Masi, O. Mete, L. Rinolfi, A Dabrowski, M. Divall, N. Champault, G. Bienvenu, M. Jore, B.M. Mercier, C. Prevost, R. Roux, C. Vicario, Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada, MO6RFP063, pp. 509-511 : Publication
- The transverse and longitudinal beam characteristics of the PHIN photo-injector at CERN. Ö. Mete, E. Chevallay, A. Dabrowski, M. Divall, S. Döbert, D. Egger, K. Elsener, V. Fedosseev, T. Lefèvre, M. Petrarca, CLIC-Note-809 (22/03/2010) : Publication
- Performance of the PHIN High Charge Photo Injector. M. Petrarca, E. Chevallay, A. Dabrowski, M. Divall Csatari, S. Dobert, D. Egger, V. Fedosseev, T. Lefevre, R. Losito, O. Mete, Proc. of IPAC-2010, Kyoto, Japan (2010) THPEC032, pp. 4122-4124 : Publication
- High charge PHIN photo injector at CERN with fast phase switching within the bunch train for beam combination. M. Csatari Divall, A. Andersson, B. Bolzon, E. Bravin, E. Chevallay, A. Dabrowski, S. Döbert, A. Drozdy, V. Fedosseev, C. Hessler, T. Lefevre, S. Livesley, R. Losito, M. Olvegaard, M. Petrarca, A.N. Rabiller, D. Egger, O. Mete, Proc. of IPAC-2011, San Sebastián, Spain (2011) MOPC150, pp. 430-432 : Publication
- Study of the Powerful Nd:YLF Laser Amplifiers for the CTF3 Photoinjectors. M. Petrarca, M. Martyanov, M. “Csatari” Divall, G. Luchinin, IEEE J Quantum Electron. 47 (2011) pp. 306-313 : Publication
- Fast phase switching within the bunch train of the PHIN photo-injector at CERN using fiber-optic modulators on the drive laser. M. ‘Csatari’ Divall, A. Andersson, B. Bolzon, E. Bravin, E. Chevallay, S. Döbert, A. Drozdy, V. Fedosseev, C. Hessler, T. Lefevre, S. Livesley, R. Losito, Ö. Mete, M. Petrarca, A.N. Rabiller, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. Phys. Research A, 659 (2011) pp. 1-8 : Publication
- Framework for the precision control of a laser beam. András Drozdy, Bachelor Thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2011, CERN-THESIS-2011-142 : Publication
- Production of long bunch trains with 4.5 mC total charge using a photoinjector. O. Mete, E. Chevallay, M. Csatari, A. Dabrowski, S. Doebert, D. Egger, V. Fedosseev, M. Olvegaard, M. Petrarca, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 15, 022803 (2012) : Publication
- Experimental Results at the CERN Photoemission Laboratory with Co-deposition Photocathodes in the frame of the CLIC Studies. E. Chevallay CERN CTF3 Note 104 (5/2012) : Publication
- PHIN photo-injector as the CLIC drive beam source. E. Chevallay, M. Csatari, A. Dabrowski, S. Doebert, D. Egger, V. Fedosseev, O. Mete, M. Olvegaard, M. Petrarca, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 347 (2012) 012036. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/347/1/012036. Publication
- Lifetime studies of Cs2Te cathodes at the PHIN RF photoinjector at CERN. C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, M. Divall Csatari, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, Proc. of IPAC-2012, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, TUPPD066, pp. 1554-1556. Publication
- Studies of Cs3Sb cathodes for the CLIC drive beam photoinjector option. I. Martini, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V.N. Fedosseev, C. Hessler, M. Martyanov, Proceedings of IPAC2013, Shanghai, China, MOPFI058, 413-415 (2013) : Publication
- High-power UV Light Generation in Picosecond Pulse Trains. M. Martyanov, M. Divall, E. Gacheva, C. Hessler, V. Fedosseev in: 2013 Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & International Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO EUROPE/IQEC, 12-16 May 2013, Munich, Germany : Publication
- Recent Developments at the High-charge PHIN Photoinjector and the CERN Photoemission Laboratory. C. Heßler, E. Chevallay, S. Döbert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov, A. Perillo Marcone, Sz. Sroka. Proceedings of IPAC2014, Dresden, Germany, MOPRI042, 695-697 (2014) : Publication
- Recent Results on the Performance of Cs3Sb Photocathodes in the PHIN RF-Gun. C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Döbert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov. in Proc. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, paper TUPJE039, pp. 1699-1702 (2015) : Publication
- Surface Characterization at CERN of Photocathodes for Photoinjector Applications. I. Martini, E. Chevallay, V. Fedosseev, C. Hessler, H. Neupert, V. Nistor, M. Taborelli, in Proc. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, paper TUPJE040, pp. 1703-1705 (2015) : Publication
- X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy Studies of Cesium Antimonide Photocathodes for Photoinjector Applications. I. Martini, E. Chevallay, V. Fedosseev, C. Hessler, H. Neupert, V. Nistor, M. Taborelli. Physics Procedia 77 (2015) 34 – 41. Publication
- Characterization of Cs-Sb cathodes for high charge RF photoinjectors. Irene Martini, PhD Thesis, Milan Polytechnic 2016-01-2, CERN-THESIS-2016-143 : Publication
- Study of the Performance of Cs2Te Cathodes in the PHIN RF Photoinjector using Long Pulse Trains. C. Heßler, E. Chevallay, S. Döbert, V. Fedosseev, F. Friebel, I. Martini, M. Martyanov, H. Neupert, V. Nistor, M. Taborelli, in Proc. 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'16), Busan, Korea, May 2016, paper THPOW015, pp. 3960-3963. Publication
- Integration of a Terawatt Laser at the CERN SPS Beam for the AWAKE Experiment on Proton-Driven Plasma Wake Acceleration. V. N. Fedosseev, M. Battistin, E. Chevallay, N.S. Chritin, V. Clerc, T. Feniet, F. Friebel, F. Galleazzi, P.A. Gander, E. Gschwendtner, J. Hansen, C. Hessler, A. Masi, A. Pardons, F. Salveter, K.A. Szczurek, M. Martyanov, J. Moody, P. Muggli, in Proc. 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'16), Busan, Korea, May 2016, paper WEPMY020, pp. 2592-2595 : Publication
- The electron accelerator for the AWAKE experiment at CERN. K. Pepitone, S. Doebert, G. Burt, E. Chevallay, N. Chritin, C. Delory, V. Fedosseev, Ch. Hessler, G. McMonagle, O. Mete, V. Verzilov, R. Apsimon. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 829 (2016) pp. 73–75 Publication
- The electron accelerators for the AWAKE experiment at CERN—Baseline and Future Developments. K. Pepitone, S. Doebert, R. Apsimon, J. Bauche, M. Bernardini, C. Bracco, G. Burt, A. Chauchet, E. Chevallay, N. Chritin, S. Curt, H. Damerau, M. Dayyani Kelisani, C. Delory, V. Fedosseev, F. Friebel, F. Galleazzi, I. Gorgisyan, E. Gschwendtner, J. Hansen, L. Jensen, F. Keeble, L. Maricalva, S. Mazzoni, G. McMonagle, O. Mete, A. Pardons, C. Pasquino, V. Verzilov, J.S. Schmidt, L. Soby, B. Williamson, E. Yamakawa, S. Pitman, J. Mitchell. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 909 (2018) 102–106 : Publication
- Generation and Delivery of an Ultraviolet Laser Beam for the RF-Photoinjector of the Awake Electron Beam. V. N. Fedosseev, F. Batsch, C. Capelli, E. Chevallay, N. Chritin, S. Doebert, T. Feniet, F. Friebel, P. Gander, E. Granados, E. Gschwendtner, J. Hansen, C. Hessler, H. Panuganti, K. A. Szczurek, - in Proc. 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2019), Melbourne, Australia, Korea, May 2019, paper THPGW054, pp. 3709-3712 : Publication
- Synthesis, surface chemical analysis, lifetime studies and degradation mechanisms of Cs-K-Sb photocathodes. H. Panuganti, E. Chevallay, V. Fedosseev, M. Himmerlich, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 986 (2021) 164724 : Publication
Hot electron enhanced photoemission from laser fabricated plasmonic photocathodes. M. Martinez-Calderon, B Groussin, V. Bjelland, E. Chevallay, V.N. Fedosseev, M. Himmerlich, P. Lorenz, A. Manjavacas, B.A. Marsh, H. Neupert, R.E. Rossel, W. Wuensch, and E. Granados, Nanophotonics (published online October 17, 2023) ; Publication